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Returns the number of days for each period of time.



DAYSINPERIOD(Time Dimension , Start Date] , End Date] , Working Days] , Holidays])



Argument Type Dimensions Description
Time Dimension


Dimension Time Dimension Must be a Time Dimension based on the Calendar settings. The available options are: Week, Month, Quarter or Year.
Start Date


Date No Dimension or Dimensions of Time Dimension Start date to count from.
End Date


Date No Dimension or Dimensions of Time Dimension End date to count to.

Working Days


Boolean Day of Week Dimension from Calendar settings Defines which days of the week are working and non-working days.



Boolean Day Dimension from Calendar settings. Defines which dates are holidays.



Type Dimensions
Integer Time Dimension



Formula Description


Returns the number of days of each month.
DAYSINPERIOD(Quarter) Returns the number of days of each quarter.
DAYSINPERIOD(Month, DATE(2020, 06, 01))

Returns the number of days of each month, starting from June 1st 2020.

DAYSINPERIOD(Month, DATE(2020, 06, 01), DATE(2020, 12, 31))

Returns the number of days of each month, starting from June 1st 2020 and ending December 31 2020.

DAYSINPERIOD(Month, 'Employee'.'Start Date', 'Employee'.'End Date')

Returns the number of days by month an employee was present between its start and end date.

DAYSINPERIOD(Month, DATE(2020, 06, 01), DATE(2020,12,31), ‘Day of Week’ IN (‘Day of Week’.”Monday”, ‘Day of Week’.”Tuesday”), Day IN (TIMEDIM(DATE(2020,12,25))) Returns the number of working days of each month, starting June 1st 2020 and ending December 31st 2020. Only Mondays and Tuesdays are working days. December 25th is a holiday.


See also

Related articles: PRORATA


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