Often, we get the request to load enterprise volume data from Microsoft SQLServer RDBMS into Pigment, whilst Pigment doesn't have a dedicated SQLServer connector or ODBC capability, this can easily be achieved via Pigment's import API. Below is example code that connects to SQLServer, opens a cursor, executes a SQL statement and imports the data into Pigment.
1. Generate Pigment Import API key
2. For Imports into Pigment (to understand the process)
3. To load data from Microsoft SQLServer RDBMS directly into Pigment via Pigment's Import API using Python
import pyodbc
import getpass
import requests
from io import StringIO
import sys
import logging
# Configure logging
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')
# SQL Server Connection & SQL query
password = getpass.getpass(f'Enter password for {username}@{server}: ')
fetch_size = 100000 # Fixed fetch size, 100k rows can be increased providing the size of the fetch does not exceed the 500MB POST limit
# Note the date/time conversion performed in SQL Server rather than Python
sql = """
channel_id, cust_id, prod_id, promo_id,
CONVERT(VARCHAR, time_id, 23) AS time_id,
unit_cost, unit_price, amount_sold,
quantity_sold, total_cost
FROM sqlservertable
# Pigment API import details
API_IMPORT_URL = 'https://pigment.app/api/import/push/csv?configurationId='
headers = {
'Authorization': f'Bearer {API_IMPORT_KEY}'
# Execute SQL and push into Pigment
rowcount = 0
logging.info('Executing the following SQL statement...')
logging.info(f"Now trying the import into Pigment Import {PIGMENT_IMPORT_CONFIG}...")
conn_str = f'DRIVER={{ODBC Driver 18 for SQL Server}};SERVER={server};DATABASE={database};UID={username};PWD={password}'
with pyodbc.connect(conn_str) as conn:
with conn.cursor() as cursor:
while True:
rows = cursor.fetchmany(fetch_size)
if not rows:
buffer = StringIO()
sys.stdout = buffer
for row in rows:
print(CSV_SEPARATOR.join(map(str, row)))
rowcount += 1
sys.stdout = sys.__stdout__
data_size = len(buffer.getvalue().encode('utf-8'))
s = requests.post(API_IMPORT_URL + PIGMENT_IMPORT_CONFIG, headers=headers, data=buffer.getvalue())
logging.info(f'{data_size} bytes in block')
logging.info(f'{rowcount} rows loaded')
logging.info("Data load complete")
except pyodbc.DatabaseError as db_err:
logging.error(f'Database error occurred: {db_err}')
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError as http_err:
logging.error(f'HTTP error occurred: {http_err}')
except Exception as err:
logging.error(f'An error occurred: {err}')
Import Libraries:
: For connecting to the SQL Server database. -
: For securely getting the password input. -
: For making HTTP requests to the Pigment API. -
: For handling in-memory string buffers. -
: For system-specific parameters and functions. -
: For logging information and errors.
SQL Server Connection & SQL Query:
Prompts the user for the SQL Server database password.
Defines the SQL query to fetch data from the SQL Server database.
Sets a fixed fetch size of 100,000 rows.
Pigment API Import Details:
Sets up the Pigment API import details, including the API key, URL, and headers.
Execute SQL and Push into Pigment:
Connects to the SQL Server database and executes the SQL query.
Fetches data in chunks and writes it to an in-memory buffer.
Sends the data to the Pigment API in chunks.
Logs the number of bytes and rows loaded.
Note: The latest Microsoft SQLServer ODBC driver can be found here: