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Pigment Automations use Metrics to set conditions that trigger a notification for specific Members. This article discusses how to set up a notification in Automations.


Before you begin


  • Permissions. You need the Configure Automations Permission to be able to Create/Edit/Delete/Enable/Disable an Automation. This Permission has been granted to all Members having the Configure Blocks Permission. You need the View History Permission to view the execution details of each Automation.
  • Allow lists. To ensure that you receive notifications, add the following domains to your allow list:
    If you've updated your allow list with this Pigment domain but you’re still not receiving notifications, your organization's spam filter might be very strict. In this case, consult with your IT team to ensure notifications are delivered properly.
  • Notification settings.   Each Pigment Member configures how they want to receive their notifications. This can’t be done by other Member as it a personal setting. See Pigment's Notification Center for more information on notifications.  
  • Define the required Metric. The first step in creating an automated notification is to define or create the Metric on which the automation is applied. This Metric can be user input driven, such as a request for approval, or formula driven, for example writing a formula that is equal to true. We recommend that you select or create this Metric before you begin creating your new notification.

Set up an automated notification

Step 1. Create an Automation 

  1. Go to the Application Settings
  2. Select Automations from the Application sidebar. 
  3. Select Set up a new Automation.
  4. Enter a Name and Description for the Automation. This information will be for the management of Automations and for others to understand the purpose of this Automation.

ℹ️ Note

You can create an automation directly from any Metric or Table by right-selecting on a Metric name and selecting Set Automation on update.


Step 2. Establish a trigger 

  1. To set up the Trigger for your Automation, select the Metric that will trigger the action when the defined value is met based on the data type and its corresponding trigger operator as shown in the following table:
Data Type Trigger Operators
Number, Integer and Date
  • Equal to  
  • Greater than 
  • Greater than or equal to
  • Less than
  • Less than or equal to
  • Not equal to 
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty
  • Equal to
  • Not equal to
  • Contains
  • Does not contain
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty
  • Is in
  • Is not in
  • Is empty
  • Is not empty
Boolean Equals True or False


  1. Apply Trigger conditions. You can apply multiple conditions by selecting Add a condition.

    Trigger conditions allow you to choose specific Items within the Dimensions of your Metric for a more targeted automation. First select the Dimension from the Metric that you want to apply the condition to, then select the values from that Dimension. For example, if the automation should only be triggered for a specific Country, select the Country Dimension and then which country this trigger applied to. 
  2. (Optional) If you have Scenarios configured for your Application, select a Scenario from the Trigger only on Scenario menu. This specifies in which Scenario your notification is triggered.
  3. Select Send Notifications to send a notification to a Member. 


Step 3. Select recipients


When selecting recipients you can choose between the following: 

  • Direct. These receive a notification every time the automation is triggered. 
  • Conditional. These only receive a notification based on the Items assigned to them from an associated Metric. For example, if you have a Triggering Metric that applies to all countries, you can set up a Metric for conditional recipients and select which Member receives a notification for each country.

    ℹ️ Note

    Depending on your selected Metric, the Conditional recipients configuration appears. You can select Set up Configuration to launch a wizard that will create all the necessary Dimensions including the User List for your Conditional Recipient Metric. The User List will show all the Members in your Application, next to the Dimensions from your Triggering Metric. For each Member you want to receive a notification, set the boolean to true for the associated Items.

    When choosing or creating a Metric, it must contain all or some of the Dimensions used in the Triggering Metric, along with the User List. You can learn more about how to set up conditional recipients in Setting up Conditional Recipients and Assignees.

  • Both. This combines both types of recipients, this means you can associate some Members to certain conditions, and other Members will always receive a direct notification.

Step 4. Create notification content


Fill out the content that you want Members to receive for their notification. 

  • Notification title. The text displayed in bold at the top of your notification. 
  • Notification body. The text displayed below the title within the notification.

ℹ️ Note

If you want, you can use dynamic content when completing the Notification title and Notification body fields. Dynamic content brings in details from the selected Metric’s Dimensions to your triggering event. You can read more about dynamic content below. 

Redirection (optional)

Specify where you want Members to land when they select a notification. The tables below outline the available options for each redirection type.

  • Board. Use this option to redirect Members to a specific Board. Choose Select Board, then specify the target Board from the dropdown menu. Any Page Selectors available for your selected Board are displayed. Some or all these options may be available for your listed Page Selectors. 
Board Options Description
Same as Board  The user lands on the default Page options for the selected Board.
Set Page Items Assign specific Page Selectors to display on the user’s landing Board.
Set from Trigger  Set the Dimension Page Selector to the Item from the Dimension that triggered the Automation. Available only if the Dimension is in the Automation's Triggering Metric's Dimensions.


  • Sequence. Use this option to redirect Members to a specific Sequence. Select Sequence then specify the target Sequence from the dropdown menu. Any Page Selectors available for your selected Sequence are displayed. Use the following options to define where the Member lands in the Sequence and customize prefilled Page Selector values for the Sequence.
Sequence Options Description
The Beginning of the Sequence  Directs the Member to the first Step in the Sequence.
A Specific Step Allows selection of a specific Step where the Member lands from the notification.

Page Selectors Customization

Same as Sequence. Prefills Sequence Page Selector values based on the default Page option of the Sequence’s Boards.

Set from Trigger. Prefills Selector values based on an Item defined as an Automation trigger. These Items are predefined when Set from Trigger is selected.


  • Pigment Link. Use this option to redirect Members to a specific Board or Widget.
Link Options Description
Pigment Link Enter a specific link to the Board or Widget where Members should be directed. External links are not supported.


ℹ️ Note

URLs from a Board or Widgets are Page Selector-specific. This means that when you copy a link, it also copies the current Page selections.


Dynamic content in notifications

When you fill the Notification title or Notification body fields, you can use dynamic content. This content brings in details from the selected Metric’s Dimensions to your triggering event. For example, the recipient’s name, the date and time, and the Item details of the Dimensions used in structure, as well as the value that triggered the notification. These can all be used in the title or content of the notification.

Select + Add dynamic content or use the cmd or ctrl + / shortcut to see a list of options that can be used.


Dynamic content Value
Recipient Name Shows the name of each individual who receives the notification. This name is pulled from the Workspace Members page. 
Triggering Value The value that was entered into the cell that triggered the notification. For example, it could be a number, true or false, name of Dimension Item, or any other formatted entry. 
Date and time Shows the time and Date DAY, DATE, MON YYYY HH:MM:SS GMT
Dimension name

This option will appear as the name of the Dimensions used in the Triggering Metric. The number of Dimensions used in the Triggering Metric will determine how many options are present. Selecting one of these will return the Item from that Dimension that triggered the notification. 

For example, Months would return Mar 24  or the text from whatever property has been set as the Default display name.


Step 5. Activate Automation


When you’ve customized your notification content, you can select + Add an action to add an additional action that will be performed when the notification is successfully sent or select Save at the top of the screen to save your new notification. 

New Automations are not activated by default. To save a new notification, open the Settings page, then Automations, and use the toggle switch to activate the notification. 


🎓 Pigment Academy

For more information on working with Automations, see the Automations Setup Overview module in Pigment Academy.


Administer Automations in an Application


In the Settings page, you can view the Automations available in your application. Here you can sort, filter, and search, as well as perform the following actions on your application’s automations: 

  • View History
  • Edit 
  • Duplicate
  • Change Automation Owner
  • Delete Automation 


Learn more 

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