Pigment Community Guidelines

  • 10 November 2021
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Welcome to the Pigment Community! We are so happy to have you here! 


We are here to create a space where Pigment users can share knowledge, learn, collaborate and connect with one another. These Community Guidelines should not only help you understand how to act within the community but also help you understand what to expect from others in this space.

Your participation here is subject to these Guidelines.


Be Respectful

We are ALL Pigmenters! All of us come from diverse backgrounds and we welcome that here in this forum, with that being said please be committed to treating your fellow Pigmenters with the utmost kindness and respect. This is a welcoming community of users (most importantly human beings) and we must make it a priority to keep this forum a safe space where everyone feels comfortable. No name-calling, offensive behavior, or bullying is allowed EVER


Engage with the Community 

Our moderators will post helpful content but we really want to learn and hear from you! Take a look around and if you see a place where you can add your voice and expertise to an existing conversation or you want to start your own topic please jump in. 


Search First, Ask Second

We’ve got a lot of experts in all areas in this community who are happy to share, so before asking a question or starting a new topic make sure you’ve searched within the community. Moreover, when you search for anything, you will also see the Help Center results. If after your initial search you still haven’t found what you’re looking for, feel free to start the conversation. 


Be Patient

Patience is a virtue. If you’ve asked a question in one location and it hasn’t been answered right away, be patient. Please don’t ask the same question in multiple locations.


Protect Everyone’s Privacy...Including Your Own

We’ll be sharing a lot with each other which is great but make sure that you remember everything you share is public for all to see. Also, don’t share any personal information about others without their consent.


No Soliciting 

We’re not here to sell you any products or services so give us the same courtesy. Posts with the explicit intent to sell a product or services will be removed. 


See a Post That’s not Following the Guidelines?

Should you come across a post or a comment that goes against these guidelines, please click on the three dots on the bottom right of a post, and click on "Flag". A Community Manager or one of our Moderators will review and take the appropriate actions. We reserve the right to remove posts or delete accounts in the event they are detrimental to the Pigment Community.



The Pigment Community is one of the best ways to ask questions on the best ways to use Pigment and receive answers. If you’re looking for official support when it comes to technical questions, bugs, billing issues, etc. please try searching for this in the Documentation or contact our amazing Technical Support team.

3 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

@Rebe just a protocol question. If we have questions about the courses we’re taking, should we post them on Community? I wouldn’t ask anything about the quizzes or tests, just the coursework. Thoughts?

I found this landing page but not sure if anyone follows it. Are we better off asking in the main question forum?


Userlevel 4
Badge +5

Hi Jared,

The ‘training’ section of Community that you have linked is indeed the correct place to ask questions on our training courses. There is not much activity on it yet as it is quite a new section, but hopefully yourself and others will soon rectify that :)


Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Thanks @Matt D  I’ll try using that forum.
