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Returns the first day of a month after or before a given date.



STARTOFMONTH(Date , Month Offset])



Argument Type Dimensions Description


Date Any Dimensions Date to return the first day of.
Month Offset


Integer No Dimension or Dimensions of argument Date Offset the given argument Date by a number of months. By default, the offset is equivalent to 0.



Type Dimensions
Date Dimensions of argument Date



Formula Result Description

STARTOFMONTH(DATE(1986, 11, 28))

November 1st 1986 The first day of the month of November 28th 1986 is November 1st 1986.

STARTOFMONTH(DATE(1989, 1, 18), 0)

January 1st 1989 The month offset is set to 0. The first day of the month of January 18th 1989 is January 1st 1989.

STARTOFMONTH(DATE(1986, 1, 1), 1)

February 1st 1986 The month offset is set to 1. The first day of the next month of January 1st 1986 is February 1st 1986.

STARTOFMONTH(DATE(1986, 1, 1), -10)

March 31st 1985 The month offset is set to -10. The previous 10 months of January 1st 1986 was in March 1985. The first day is March 1st 1985.


See also

Related articles: EDATEMONTH EOMONTH


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