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In addition to creating, organizing, and customizing your Blocks in Block Explorer, you can also customize the specific Block information you see in Block Explorer. You can also use it to display specific Metric insights.  



Customize the Block information displayed in Block Explorer


You can decide which information that you want to show in the Block Explorer.

  • Go to All Blocks and then click Display.

The following information is available to you: 

All Blocks

  • Description. The description of the Block.
  • Shared. Blocks added to the Library.
  • Views. Number of Block’s Views and number of Views added to the Library.
  • Used Block. Indicates if a Block is used. To learn more, open the Settings menu on the Block, and review Block Usage.

    This is only available with Configure Blocks permission. 

  • Usage in Formulas. Similar to Block Usage in a Block’s settings, this shows where the Block is used in your Workspace’s formulas. Members without sufficient permissions in other Applications see a message saying they have usages in Applications they don’t have access to. 
  • Referenced Blocks. Number of Blocks that use this Block’s data. 

    This is only available with Configure Blocks permission. 

  • Folder. Block Explorer folders.
  • Included in AI Search. Shows whether that Metric is visible to Pigment AI’s Data Assistant. See Configure your Workspace for the Data Assistant for more information.

Transaction and Dimension lists

  • Properties in structure. Number of Properties in the List.
  • Formulas. Displays the formula icon in Block Explorer if the List contains at least one formula in each one its properties.
  • Number of items. Number of Items in the List. 

    This is only available with Configure Blocks permission. 


  • Type of data. Type of the data in the Metric.
  • Dimension in structure. Number of Dimensions in the Metric’s structure.
  • Formula. Displays the formula icon if the Metric has a formula. Also displays a small pen icon if formula overrides are allowed.
  • Maximum size. Maximum number of Metric cells. 

    This is only available with Configure Blocks permission. 


  • Metrics in structure. Number of Metrics in Table.

​​​​​​​View Metric Insights

To display specific Metric insights in the Block Explorer, do the following:

  1. Go to All Blocks and then click Metrics.
  2. Click Insights. 

The following information is available to you: 

Data insights​​​​​​​

  • Calculated size. Number of cells populated with a formula calculation in the Metric.
  • Inputs size. Number of cells populated with inputs in the Metric.
  • Size. Number of populated cells in a Metric. This value is using the maximum of the Calculated or Inputs size.
  • Density. Percentage of Metric cells with values. This value uses the Size.

To view Calculated size, Inputs size, Size and Density information for Metrics, you need Full Read access rights on the data for the Block is​​​​​​ necessary. 

Formula insights

This is only available with Configure Blocks permission.

  • Number of formula executions. Number of times the formula has been executed over the past 15 days. Hover over the value to review activity over the past 24 hours. 
  • Average execution time. Average Metric formula execution time over the past 15 days. Hover over the value to review activity over the past 24 hours. ​​​​​​​
  • Last execution time. The latest Metric formula execution time from the past 24 hours. 
  • Maximum execution time. Maximum execution time of the formula on the Block over the past 15 days.
  • Total execution time. The sum total of formula execution time for all formulas executed on the Block over the past 15 days. Hover over the value to review activity over the past 24 hours.

As well as viewing your Blocks and Metric insights, you can use Block Explorer to review your model and find ways to optimize it. Optimizing your model enhances performance, increases speed, and simplifies maintenance.
For more information on using Block Explorer for model insights, Use Performance Insights to Optimize your Application.  

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