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Block settings allow you to make structural changes and adjust different configuration options for each block type.  This article discusses the different options for Metrics. 


Table of Contents


 To access the block settings, navigate to the block, then select the settings icon in the top right.  From block explorer, you can also click on the … menu on the far right and select Settings.




These are the different settings that can be found under the General tab in Blocks.



The details section that allows you to make adjustments to the Name of the Metric, the Folder it is located in, and the Metric Description.  The description of the Metric is seen in the Block explorer section of the Application. 


Automatically saves inputs


The Automatically saves inputs toggle allows you to turn off and on the Autosave functionality.  This setting defines if Members inputs or edits are put into a draft mode until the a save button is hit or if they are instantly saved in the Metric. 


The Autosave setting for a Table will always override the settings of the Metrics within a Table.  This means if Autosave is turned on for the Table the setting applies to all Metrics in the Table. 


Allow overriding formula results with an input


This option is only available for Metrics and it allows Members to override formula results. If activated on an Application with Scenarios activated, another option will appear. 

Select Scenarios for formula overrides appears and allows you to define which Scenarios Members should be able to override data in.

Inputs and imports populate data across all Scenarios is a configuration that appears in Metrics With Scenarios activated, this setting controls if inputs should be uniform across all Scenarios. 

Allow overriding formula results with an input and Inputs and imports populate data across all Scenarios are only available on Metrics, you can read more about them in Data input options for Metrics. 




When duplicating a Metric,  there are options to also duplicate Views, Formulas, Manual Inputs and Import configurations.  These options are toggled off by default but can be toggled on for them to also be duplicated.




Metrics have a section called Structure.  This setting allows you to adjust the Data type and change the dimensions that make up the Metrics structure.

You can also click directly on a Dimension in the Dimensions within this Metric section to navigate to that Block.

To change the Data type, click the dropdown and choose the new data type.

To change the Dimensions, click the Change dimensions button.  


When changing the Dimensions or the Data type, you will lose any manual inputs.  If there are formulas, you can encounter errors depending on if the formula reference a dimension that is removed.


Library & usages


The Library & usages section will let you toggle on the ability to share a Metric across multiple Applications.  It also showcases all the blocks that reference of use a Metric. 


Share this Block with other Applications 


The Share this Block with other Applications toggle allows you to activate this Metric to be shared or refenced in other Applications.   After this toggle is activated, it must also be activated in the Library of the Applications you wish to refence it in. 

After activated a formula can reference the Metric using the the following naming convention.



Block data usages


The Block data usages shows you all the instances where a Metric is referenced in a Formula. 

This section also shows all the different Tables that feature a Metric. The block type can be identified by its color, Blue for Dimension lists, Green for Transactions list, Red for Tables, and Purple for Metrics.


Clicking the View diagram button will open the Dependency diagram.  The Dependency diagram shows where the data in the Metric originated and also where it is referenced by other Metrics.  

For example, if the current Metric’ referenced two other Metrics in its formula, these two metrics would be shown to the left of the Metric.  It would also show where the data in those metric originated.  The dependency diagram also shows any Metrics that reference the current Metric allowing you to see the source and target for the Metrics data.


Access Rights 


The Access Rights section outlines the Access rights configurations that are on the Metric.


Members must have the Define Application security permission to access the View detailed access per Member.


Access per Member 


The Access per Member section shows access by Member down to the individual item.  In the top left, you can switch between Read and Write Access to view the different types of access.  You can learn more about View detailed access per Member in this article on Access rights Inheritance


Block configuration


There are two settings in this section, Data visibility management, and Access rights rules.  Data visibility management only applies to Read access rules. Metrics can be made Public or Based on rules.  The Public setting will override all Access rights rules related to Read access and allow every user in your Pigment workspace to read the data.


The Access Rights Rule section will list any Access rights rules that have been applied to that List.  Clicking on the Rule will open the Metric used to create that Rule and the cog wheel can be used to open the Roles, permissions, & access page 


Inheriting access rights from


This section will shows  all of the blocks that are being referenced via a formula that contains Access Right settings.

If you are using the User roles rule, you will most likely see all referenced blocks in this section. This is because the default User roles contain an application-wide access right setting. 

When a Block is mentioned in this section, it does not mean there is necessarily a difference in the Access rights. 

If one Metric is referenced from another Metric, even if they have the same access rights, you will see that Metric listed.    


Import Configurations


The Saved import configurations section shows any saved Imports into the Metric. The name and description can be seen here.  This is also where the Configurations ID need for API calls is saved and can be copied.




This section can be used to delete the Metric.