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What is Dependency Diagram in Pigment and why use it? The Dependency Diagram displays an overview of a model's structure. It enables you to understand the data flow of a specific Block by showing source and target Blocks (Metrics and Transaction Lists).


Table of Contents


How do you access the Dependency Diagram?


There are two ways to open the Dependency Diagram, from the block explorer or from the blocks settings of Transaction Lists and Metrics. 

From Block Explorer, click on the ellipsis (...) to the right of the Block you want to explore.


For Transaction Lists and Metrics, you can access the Dependency Diagram by clicking the icon in the top right.


How do you explore the Dependency Diagram?


Once opened, the Diagram shows how the data flows between Transactional Lists and Metrics.  These connections are established through formulas.  The data will from from the source on the left to the targets on the right. 


Hovering your mouse over a block will show you the formula for a particular metric.  When hovering over a Metric, you’ll see the Dimensions used as structure.  If you hover over a Transaction list, you’ll see all properties. 


By clicking on other related Blocks, you will be able to:



This button will reopen a Dependency Diagram generated with a new initial Block
This button will open the Block, enabling you a more detailed exploration


The Drag and Drop feature allows you to move the Blocks to reorder them in the way you want.



How do you use the toptip bar?



Zoom in / Zoom out


Center the diagram on the initial Block


Fit diagram on the screen



Reset current diagram



Download diagram as a PNG






What is the Minimap?



The Minimap is always visible in the bottom left-hand corner of the Dependency Diagram. Move the focus square inside to shift the focus.


Turn on Access Rights Mode


Users with the Define Application security permission will have the ability to turn on Show access rights.  This mode changes the colors of Metrics and Transaction lists to show a color based on a selected users Access Rights settings.  

  • Green - Full Access - User can access all data within the Metric
  • Yellow - Partial Access - User has access to some but not all data within the Metric
  • Red - No Access - User has no access to data in this Metric.

After turning on Show Access Mode, you can toggle between users using the Members dropdown. 



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