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I have created AR rules to give a person access to one country only. I have verified the access on all blocks through the impersonate feature and everything seems to be working. However, the person doesn’t have access to some tables (though he has access to the correct data in the metrics composing the table)… This message appears:

Could you please help me to understand what is happening here?



Hi Elodie,


While impersonating, every block in the table is Green in the dependency diagram ?

There might be many views in your table, some with more metrics. I believe even a metric that’s not in the view you are looking it is going to block your end user.

Hi Elodie,

As discussed with the Support team, we figured that some inherited access rights on the Period type were preventing this person to see the data.

We’re glad it is resolved by now. We remain available on the Community or via Support to any further questions.


Have a great day!



