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Our budget construction is based on input of cost center managers, so they can add headcount and expenses as they wish.

How can I give them access only to their own cost centers? With that, they would only be able to see data about this specific cost center.

I’m tring something like that below but I don’t know how to link the user’s scope with the Cost center manager’s role. 



Hi Carolina ! 

I think you’ll find very helpful elements in this article written by Samya

There are basically 2 steps: 

  1. Create a Metric of data type Access Right by User and any relevant dimension for your access rights management
  2. Apply this Access Rights Metric to your Application


Your Case

Here what you’ll do is create a new metric of type Access Right, with the dimensions User and Cost Center in the structure (Your Scope per User metric seems almost there 🙂)

That way, you’ll be able to manually assign Read and Write access for each User x Cost Center. Follow Samya article to apply those access rights to your Application.

If you want to assign Cost Centers with a formula (for example Admins can have access to all Cost Centers) you can use the formula bar with if statements (using the accessrights function). Something like this for example : IF(‘Users Roles’ = Role.”Admin”, accessrights(true,true),accessrights(false,false)). You can combine that with the override functionality to manually input with Cost Centers are authorized for Cost Center Managers.


I hope this helps and welcome to the wonderful world of AR !



You can also take from my article here, which explains this step by step:
 Setting Up User Access: The Complete Practical Guide | Community (

@Nathan I followed your article, I got to do until the AR: Country x Dpto but I got stuck in this part of edit access rights rule. Where is it? I couldn’t find it.



Hi @Carolina Lee ,


You will find it in the Security settings page.  


The section you are looking for is Complement the roles with access right rules. 

You can see an overview of the page here. 
