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I created a new metric named "EmpData-Allocation" (with dimensions "employee" and "month") filtering only the existing employees, that I fill each month manually with a dimension named "allocation". 
How can I add this metric by employee to the dimension list "employee" ?  

example :
My employee transaction list is an import from Workday. In this transaction list, I have a new employee named “Employee1”.
In my dimension list “Employee”, I have all the info for Employee1 coming from this employee transaction list. 
In the metric "EmpData-Allocation", I put Allocation1 for Employee1. I would like to have this Allocation1 next to Employee1 in the Employee dimension list. Can you please advise ?  


Hi Venitiav, 

If you want to add the metric "EmpData-Allocation" by employee to the dimension list "Employee," you can create a new property in the employee dimension and use the modifier "REMOVE" along with the aggregator "LASTNONBLANK." Here’s the formula you can use:


I hope that helps. Please feel free to get back to me on the ticket 24153 if you have other questions. 

Many thanks,

Thanks for your reply. That is what I did but it does not work and I don’t understand why. 
I’ll reply on the ticket. 
