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Aggregation from Month to Quarter > Seasonality in quarter assumption > Distribution back to Month

  • 20 September 2023
  • 4 replies

Hey team, I have an issue to chose the proper modifiers in one of the metric blocks. 

I have a quota values by month by sales rep and wanted to sum these values into the quarters as a first step. So I’m writing a formula
= Metric block with quotas by month tby sum: Month.Quarter]

Next step is to use in quarter seasonality which is by Month, see the screenshot below. Total for a quarter is 100%. 

What’s the syntax to spread quarterly quota value to months ( I was testing add constant but it didn’t work) and then use the in quarter seasonality? 


4 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +12



you need to multiply by a metric by month which contains the seasonality (you can input that manually or calculate depending on a rule).

But first your formula will need to put the value of the quota on the right month like this:

Quarter Quota[BY: Month.Quarter] * Seasonnality by month


Try it in the playground first to verify that you get what you want

Userlevel 2
Badge +3

So that’s the issue when I use the Quota by quarter and trying to apply the seasonality by month. I’m getting Quarter and Month multiplied. See the screenshot. For example Q1 2023 should include only Jan-Mar 2023 but it is containing all possible months. 



Userlevel 6
Badge +12

what is the dimensionality of the first metric ? is it Month ? and the second one ?

Userlevel 5
Badge +7

Hi Kamil,

Once you have the sum of your quotas by quarter, you should allocate this number on each Month of the Quarter. 

The formula should look like:

‘Quotas by month’[BY SUM: Month.Quarter][BY CONSTANT: Month.Quarter]

The result of this formula will be by Month. You can then multiply this result with your Monthly seasonality.

Let me know if it solves your issue!
