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Is there a way to Create Automated task which deletes user inputs in bulk when trigger is met. 
I’d like to set it up in a way, than when Month becomes from Forecast to Actual, it would delete the new Actual month user inputs which were so far meant for Forecast, but Actual month value should come from formula.


I know how to set up task to notify, once this month changes and also how to set up one-time bulk deletion, when Month becomes Actual, but is there a possibility to combine these to so I could stop being middle-man?


Best regards

Hi Ott, I’m not aware of a way to automate the deletion in the way you’re looking for (but maybe someone else will reply with an idea).

But personally, I wouldn’t try to delete the inputs. I would manage the situation like this:

  • Let’s say you have a metic where users are entering revenue forecast numbers.
  • You also have a data load that gives you actual revenue numbers.
  • You also have a metric that identifies whether each month is an actual period or a forecast period
  • Now create a metric that has a formula along the lines of “if the period is acutalised, pull in the data from the actual metric, otherwise pull in the data from the forecast metric”.
  • Now it doesn’t matter if the obsolete forecast numbers remain in place, because your new metric will ignore them. You could use filtering to hide the obsolete inputs from users if you want to.

I hope this helps!

