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Hello Pigment community,

Is there a way to ensure that Pigment boards automatically adjust to different screen sizes and aspect ratios, so that grids, charts, and other elements remain properly aligned without gaps or distortion?


Hi ​@Spandan98 

Currently, Pigment does not have a feature that automatically adjusts boards to different screen sizes and aspect ratios. You will need to manually adjust the size and layout of the elements on your board to fit your preferred screen size or aspect ratio.

*Workaround Solutions:*
Follow these steps to ensure that your chart labels are clear and readable when exporting:
1. *Expand and Zoom In:*
    - Open your chart in Pigment using a web browser.
    - Expand the chart to full screen by clicking on the full-screen icon or adjusting the browser window size.
    - Use your browser's zoom functionality (usually *Ctrl +* or *Cmd +* on Mac) to enlarge the chart. This will increase the size of the chart labels, making them more readable.
2. *Use a Large Screen:*
    - For best results, perform these steps on a large screen or monitor. The larger display area will allow you to zoom in further and capture more detail.
3. *Take a Screenshot:*
    - Once the chart is enlarged and clearly visible, take a screenshot of the chart.
    - On Windows, you can use the Snipping Tool or press *PrtScn*. On Mac, use *Cmd + Shift + 4* to capture a specific area.
    - Ensure that the screenshot captures the entire chart with the enlarged labels.
4. *Export to PNG (Optional):*
    - Alternatively, you can use the "Export to PNG" button in Pigment after zooming in. This feature captures the chart as it appears in your browser, including the enlarged labels.
    - The exported PNG file will have a higher resolution, making it suitable for presentations.

Hello ​@farhan13 ,

I understand the workaround solutions but wouldn’t be better if Pigment can automatically adjust to the sizes or resolution of the screen. These will help us to design the UX board efficiently.

Should I post this in the idea section?

Hi ​@Spandan98 

Yes, we understand your concerns and it would be best to post this in the Ideas section for new product feature suggestions:
