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Best way to Build out Commissions

  • 21 June 2023
  • 1 reply

Hi All

Im trying to build out the company commissions based on NRR.
I want to be able to calculate the corresponding commission % based on the NRR we have forecasted

So each NRR% is equivalent to a Commission %. eg. 80-85% NRR = 0.05% commission. 86-90%=0.1% Commission and so on.

There are 8 bandings, so If statements seems quite long winded, but possible that way. Wondering if someone can think of an easier way?


Hi Adhain,


this is what we call a bucket/bracket/cluster logic. Often used for tax rate and commissions indeed.

here’s an article that talks about it 

Sorting data in clusters | Community (

Take a look and then we’ll support your logic if you need
