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Hi there ; 


I’m trying to find a way to give access to only one board of an application ; 
To be more specific : 

 I have the application "Budget", where the overall budget of the company is. 
In this application, I have multiple boards and I want to give access to (2 people) to only one of the boards (where they will find their own budget) but I don't want them to see the other boards (they don't have to see them). 

How should I do it ? 

Thx in advance 

Hi Marie,


Here is a process you can follow:


 1 - Create a dedicated Role for these user where, by default, they have None Board permissions.




2 - Create a new metric of type permissions and structured by the User dimension



3 - Use a formula to target your new Role and give it the relevant Permissions



For Can configure permissions, the. formula is

if('Users roles' = Role."Role for 2 people" , permissions("{\"configureBoard\":true,\"postConversation\":true,\"openBoard\":true}"), blank)


For Can comment permissions:

if('Users roles' = Role."Role for 2 people" , permissions("{\"postConversation\":true,\"openBoard\":true}"), blank)


For Can open permissions:

if('Users roles' = Role."Role for 2 people" , permissions("{\"openBoard\":true}"), blank)


4 - Go to your application’s settings, Board access configuration and add a new rule of permissions for boards


Select your new metric and target the relevant boards





You’re all set!



You can review the configuration in the Board access tab, by Board or by Member.







Enjoy! 😉







Thank you very much for your answer, I tried and it actually worked
For this new role, people can only access a limited amount of boards 
I tried to impersonate this role, to see what they can see, and they can access the board, but the tables are empty (as they have no access to the metrics inside of them) . 

How should I fix this ? 

Hi again,


Board access and data access are two different things.

You can have access to the data and not to a board and the opposite way as well.


Here you have to configure your Access Rights for these people so they can read the appropriate data.

I’d recommend you reading this article to know more about Access Rights.


Hope this helps.

