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Board Permission

  • 19 June 2023
  • 7 replies


We have Two Applications.

  1. Hub
  2. Budgeting

In Hub Application, we have defined all roles and its permission & Access Write.

Following Roles, we created in Hub Calculation.


CEO Role only can open and comment Cost Summary and Final Reporting  P&L Board in Budgeting Application.

To Fulfil that requirement, we have created a Metric in Budgeting Application for Board Permission.


In Board Access Configuration, This Board Permission: CEO Metric is defined for following boards.


On Board also, we defined that Board Permission: CEO Metric for that Board.


After defining that Board Permission, we are not able to achieve my requirement and all roles are able to access that board.

Please let us know, if we are doing anything wrong and any best practice and Solution for the same.

Good morning,

Could you please run the following test:
In the Board Permission: CEO, please temporarily deactivate your formula (you can prefix by BLANK // your formula) and apply a manual permission value (to the user you want to test with) as on the screenshot below:

Ideally, for the CEO user you want to test with, you should start by 1/ deactivating all board permissions, 2/confirm he has access to no board at all, 3/ grant access to relevant boards, 4/ confirm he has access to granted boards only.


Please note that Permissions don’t apply to Admin users. Admin users will always have access to all boards, blocks, etc .. whatever rules are applied.

Do you have any other user of your user list which are not Admin and still have access to the board ?
Could you please share screenshots of the User Role metric and Role dimension of the Budget application?



We are using this Metric as User Role Metric in Budgeting and Target Role Dimension is shared in Budgeting to define role, Board Permission and Access Right.


Good afternoon,

Have you been able to run the test I was pointing (set Permission per user as manual input value instead of calculated value) ?
Otherwise I would suggest to raise the case to the Help Desk as I don’t see anything wrong in your setup.




At Support, our questions would be:

How are the roles set up in your Budgeting application? Are they the same as your Hub?

If you click on the board’s “Share” button, on the Permissions tab, do you have only one rule Board Permissions:CEO or are there any others?

These answers would help us assisting you here.

Many thanks.

Hi @Benoit 
We did not set up any role in Budgeting application. We are using Hub Application roles in budgeting application for Board and Access Right Security. (Only Default roles are there)

We defined Access Right Security in budgeting application based on Role defined in Hub Application and That security is Working fine but Board Security is not Working Currectly.

I confirm that there is no any rule except Board Permissions:CEO on board’s “Share” button, on the Permissions tab.

Hi @Fabien 

We tried to run test as you suggested but that is also not working currectly.


At this stage, it would be best to explore the situation in app. Could you please create a ticket with the links and reference to this question?

Also please ensure Support has access to all applications.


