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Hello hello Pigment community

I am struggling over an issue and maybe someone can help me. 

My goal is here to setup a dashboard to analyse our commercial pipeline. So all the client listed in our pipeline are potentiel leads. 

We have in this data several columns of date : last interaction date, last modified date, expected close date, etc… with also another column : “extract date” indicating the date of the extract of the whole data. 

The difficulty is that i cannot link all of theses column with the “Day” dimension in Pigment because i can’t have in the same metric several dimension linked with the “Day Dimension”. 

Hence i will have to create dimension for all of theses columns, not linked to the “Day dimension”, in order to be able to use them in my metrics. 

But my question is : if i create a dimension in which my data is several “date”, will pigment be able to recognize and organize it (in a graph for example) if the data is not linked with a native Pigment dimension ? 

For example, if i want a graph and make my X axis a dimension date not linked with “Day”, will Pigment understand the dimension and put in the right order the date in my dimension ?

I hope my question is clear and somebody will be able to help me on this ! 

Thanks everyone ! 

Hello @Vianney It seems you have transaction level data. So I think you should leverage Transaction List to load the data and then create metrics from Transaction List as required. 

In Transaction List, you can have “Properties” which can be dimensioned by Date

Hello Ashish , 

Yes, it is possible to dimension by date all the data i want. But when i want to create metrics using all of theses columns, i can’t add two properties that have the same “date” dimension. 

Basically i am trying to find a workaround to be able to use different properties that have the same dimension “Date”, which does not seems possible at the time. 

Hi Vianney,

There are two options: one with the native calendar, another with custom Day dimensions.

Using native calendars

If you’ve already created a native calendar in your app, you can create a calendar with the day dimension in another app (even an empty one) and then share back this dimension in your app. This is the best approach to use native features, such as the TIMEDIM function.

The problem with this approach is you can’t rename calendar dimensions, so all of your day dimensions will be called Day - you’ll have to find other ways which one is which (by renaming selectors in your board for example)


Using custom dimensions

Another approach would be to use custom dimensions, e.g. create a day dimension by yourself. There are multiple ways to add the days in increment, you can then use something like MATCH against the date to find the right item.

You’ll have to create that dimension, through either an import or a formula to automatically match items to the original calendar, which can be tedious though.


Let me know if you need more details or if I missed some context.

Hello François, 


Thanks for your answer. 

For the “Native calendar” approach, i will then have to create as much native calendar as i have date dimension in my table, do i understand this correctly ?

The custom dimension maybe seems more handy than the first one in my case but i struggle to see how to proceed. 


Thanks a lot for your help !  

I don’t understand why you can’t use you Day dimension.

why would you have to link last interaction date to a day dimension ?


Could you share a screenshot in Pigment or Excel what you are trying to do ?


Hi Nathan, 

I took a screenshot of my transaction list to illustrate a bit better what i’m trying to achieve. 

I have several columns that have a date format and that i would like to use in my metrics, to be able to filter, and analyse data. Especially the “Expected close date” which indicate when we think a customer will sign. 

This data is date format. When i try to build my metrics, i have an alert message from Pigment telling me that i cannot link more than one property to the “Day” metric in the same metric. 

Hence my topic. How do i work around this issue ? And if i decide to create another custom dimension altogether to put my date data, that will not be linked to the “Day” native metric in Pigment, how can i be sure that when i will put them in a table, the data will be organised well (for instance, the data relative to december will be displayed AFTER data from september). 

This is my issue here. I hope i’m being clear enough. 

