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Hello Team, 

I am facing a challenge with the Cardinality.


Situation - 

I have created a metric (Say A)from a transaction list from which I am pulling a target hire date and I am dimentionlized it with 4 dimensions (month, seat, employee and position worker type). Now I am creating another metric where in i am using ISBLANK () funtion. ISBLANK (A). This is giving me cardinality issue.


I think the problem is that although my data set only starts from FY 23, since my calander is set from FY19, this is giving TRUE for all the values from the years I do not want as well which I think is resulting in this problem.

I tried to filter by Month.Year but the formula stops at cardinality i think and not filtering the value.


Any suggestions ???

Hi @Rahul Kumar, I would consider using the ISDEFINED function instead.

ISBLANK(A) would return FALSE when metric A has values, and TRUE when metric A is blank. Whereas, ISDEFINED(A) would return TRUE when metric A has values, and BLANK when metric A is blank.

And for your downstream metrics relying on this boolean, if you were originally intending to use the FILTER function, you would instead switch to EXCLUDE, or vice versa.

