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Hi All,

I’m not able to change the data type of ‘User Roles’ metric from Role(local) to Role(Data hub). But when i try to change the data type, I’m getting the following error. Pls advise on this.

“Unable to change the structure of a metric used in the security settings. Remove it from the security settings before performing this action.”

How do i overcome this error?

Hi ​@Aravind I’m not sure if you can or should replace the default Role dimension.

If you want to manage roles centrally, you can use workspace groups for which you can select exactly to which apps they have access to and which app role they’ll get.

If for whatever reason workspace groups are not giving you what you need (I would suggest to create a feature request, i.e. idea, in that case), there is another way documented that basically means to map your shared master role from the hub to the application role.
