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Hello, can you please help with the circular reference?

For the “Revenue/Seller”, it needs to reference prior week line and current week WoW% input.

I tried using this formula referencing the document here but did not work (used SELECT and PREVIOUS).

For the Week 8 result, it should be exact same as Week 7. 


IF(Week.'Start Date' <= 'lLive] Forecast Start Date','aLive - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Final', 'aLive - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Final'FSELECT: Week-1] * '1Live - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Final WoW')


Thank you!



Hello ​@Yaejis !

Is ';Live - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Final' the name of your metric where your’re putting this formula?
If so, try putting your formula like the example below (replacing the SELECT by PREVIOUS). 
Please double check if your week dimension is called exactly “Week” (I can’t judge that without insights in your app). 

Hope this helps you,


IF(Week.'Start Date' <= 'tLive] Forecast Start Date','tLive - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Final', Previous(week) * 'vLive - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Final WoW')


@Stef , this is my formula for generating the table below:

Target Metric = IF(Week.'Start Date' <= '10 Forecast Start Date','10 Input Metrics', Previous(Week)*(1+'10 WoW'))

  • Metric ‘10 Forecast Start Date’ is your 'sLive] Forecast Start Date'
  • Metric '10 Input Metrics' is your ' Live - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Final'
  • If you want your Week 8 results is the same data as your Week 7, then you need time your week 7 by (1+ current input WoW%)

Thank you ​@Min Li Bright Point @Stef , 


Yes, it seems the model works, but I prefer not to have the Input metric and instead override the WoW directly in the Revenue / Seller Final metric. 

As shown below, the calculation works only if I input the rates in below yellow boxes, but I would like to avoid using another metric. 

I can give Pigment account access to this app if that helps! I also have one final question, related to the scenario. I can also jump on a call if that is better as well. Please let me know. Thank you




@Yaejis I created a metric to combine actual WOW and forecast WOW, and enable overriding.

WOW = if(Week.'Start Date'<='10 Forecast Start Date','10 WoW Actual', blankaby:Week,'10 Sales Cate'])

blankaby:Week,'10 Sales Cate'], this part is used to create blank for the future using the same dimensions as '10 WoW Actual'

Not following the Blank part… something like this…?


IF(Week.'Start Date' < '&Live] Forecast Start Date','aLive - Weekly] Revenue / Seller - Stage' + 'eLive - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Total'TBY: 'Seller Segment'."Total"],  blank             )

In my table,
‘10 Target metric’ is your metric for calculating Revenue/seller. I used an input metric for dummy data.

‘10 Target metric’ = IF(Week.'Start Date' <= '10 Forecast Start Date','10 Input Metrics', Previous(Week)*(1+'10 WoW'))

'10 WoW' is for calculating WoW% for both actual and forecast months. The blank part is for the future WOW%.
'10 WoW' = if(Week.'Start Date'<='10 Forecast Start Date','10 WoW Actual', blanklby:Week,'10 Sales Cate']
'10 WoW Actual' = ('10 Input Metrics'-'10 Input Metrics'tselect:Week-1])/'10 Input Metrics'tselect:Week-1]

You can replace '10 Input Metrics' with 'cLive - Weekly] Revenue / Seller Final'

Ah got it. Thanks!


Seems I can enter in the WoW rate for the forecast weeks, but the Revenue/Seller forecast result does not work due to circulate issue.


