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Combining Actuals and Forecast with Different Dimension

  • 4 September 2024
  • 1 reply

Hi! I’m currently working on a table where I need to combine my Actuals and Forecast. For context, these are the dimensions available:


  1. Vendor
  2. GL Account
  3. Country
  4. Currency
  5. Month


  1. Vendor Name
  2. GL Account
  3. Country
  4. Currency 
  5. Month
  6. Project Details

I’m having an issue because when I combine them, the Project Details dimension is being applied to every Vendor in my Actuals. Is there a way that I can combine them without removing the Project Details? We still want to see it especially if we don’t have an actual vendor yet. Thank you in advance for your help!

Hey Suzzy,

One thing you can do is add a new item in your Project Details list dimension called “BLANK”. 

Then you can update you formula to this:
IF(‘Is Actual’, MET_ActualsEBY:’Project Details’.”BLANK”], MET_Forecast).

This way all your actuals would be summed to this dummy-project. 


Hope this helps :)
