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Is there a way to compare easily Scenario between them ?

E.g: I want to compare Budget 1 vs Budget 2 with variation (value and 😵. But I also want to compare Budget 2 vs Budget 3 the same way and I don’t wan’t to create another view with another calculated item, because I have numerous scenario to compare.

The idea is to have a var (value and 😵 between 2 scenario by selecting them. Is it possible ?

Hello, anyone to answer ?


You can use Add Calculated item for Variance% and Variance Absolute
Use Custome Calculation to calculate

Calculated Item

I just didn't want to use this because I have to do it for each scenario I want to compare.
I was looking for another solution

Hello Alexandre.
May be you already found a solution to your problem, but here is my proposition :
Use named variables for your scenarios (see here)
This way you can have Budget 2 as “Current Budget” and Budget 1 as “Previous Budget” and create your calculated item using this variables.
Next run, you only switch Budget 2 as “Previous Budget” and ‘Budget 3” becomes your new “Current Budget” and your boards and views will remains ok.
Hope this helps !

Hi, thanks for your answer but that’s not what I want to do !

I guess there is no solution at the moment for this 

Hey there @Alexandre!

My name is Jacob from the Pigment support team.

The only way to do this would have been through versions:

  1. Create two input Metrics of dimension type “Version” with no dimension in the structure (just a drop-down):
    1. One called “Version A”
    2. The other called “Version B”
  2. Create a Metric A that will filter the Metric A you want to display by only showing the two version selected in Version A and Version B
  3. Create a Metric B that will be doing the difference of those two versions (this Metric should not have the version in its structure)
  4. Create a Table to display Metric A and B
  5. Display on a board your two input Metrics to select the version and your table that is calculating the difference between the two versions.

Understanding that this is for versions, this would not work in scenarios, however I do see the value of how adding a scenario to a metric or be able to be referenced in a formula would be beneficial in this scenario.

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