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Hi there,

More and more people in my company are using Pigment. We have different access rights settings (By Cost Center/ By Business Model/ By Country etc...).

Today, I'd like to create a board that allows each Pigment user to see which dimensions they have access to and which they don't.

I can of course create a new application by making all accesses available to all users , but I want the user in question to be able to see only his or her accesses.

I thought of creating Rights accesses by user ("User A" will have an access Read/No Write only to "User A") but you can not, as far as I know, have 2 similar dimensions in a Metric.

Any suggestion?

Many thanks

Hi Ahmed,


Firstly I’d suggest reading this guide, which will explain how to centralize AR logic in one place.

Setting Up Security: Centralized User Access, the Practical Guide | Community (


Once you are sure your build, you could simply create anew set of metrics, mirroring the real AR ones, simply apply the AR on it and then voilà ! you can use these new metrics to be shown to end users

Thanks Nathan!

