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I have a Date field called “Delivery Date” (Ex : 10/06/2024). From here, I want to extract the day of the week in text format (Example :10/06/2024 is “Monday”) and my calculated field should show similar to the example here. I tried WEEKDAY(‘Delivery Date’) and it returns day of the week but in number format and I tried again TEXT(WEEKDAY(‘Delivery date”), again it does not work. How to convert weekday into Text format like Mon,Tue,etc…?




Hi @Mohan ,

A possible solution is to refer to the name property in “Day of Week” Dimension.

 Your formula would be:

ITEM(Weekday('Delivery date'),'Day of Week'.Id).Name

Where ITEM will search for the Day of week item based on the unique property ID.

Hope this helps,

Hello Mohan,

Firstly, you can create a Weekday dimension.

Then, assuming your Delivery Date column is in a transaction list, so you can achieve your needs by referencing the Weekdays dimension:

Hope my answers helps.

Thanks for the solution. I will go with the reference dimension method

Hi ​@Mohan, in case you missed it we recently introduced a new option that allows you to have two new native Calendar dimensions: Week dimension and Week of Year dimension. Check out the updated article below: 

Thanks, Sharon 
