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“10/17/2024 14:00:00 -07:00” is a text format; Date with time.
I need to extract time from this text format , how to do in Pigment?
Also, does it mean 2pm 7mins?

Convert text to date&time format

I had the timestamp in a metric called “Timestamp”. 
Using the following formula I can extract the time as “14:07”:

LEFT(RIGHT(Timestamp, LEN(Timestamp) - FIND(" ", Timestamp)), 2) // Returns the value 14
& ":" & 
LEFT(RIGHT(RIGHT(Timestamp, LEN(Timestamp) - FIND(" ", Timestamp)),5),2) // Returns the value 07

And yes 14:07 would be 2pm 7minutes.
You can use if formulas to transform the time into that as well by doing something like this:

Hope this helps :)


Our AI tool caught something interesting:

(We now run our Pigment AI over each Community Question)

> Regarding the customer's second question, 14:00:00 -07:00 does not mean 2pm 7mins. It means 2pm in a timezone that is 7 hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).


I’ve checked online and it appears to be right.

2pm7min would have be written this way. 14:07:00 -07:00


Can you double check maybe please? (It’d be great for us to confirm Pigment AI is right 🚀 )

In case your model needs to be accurate. 


