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Dear community, 

I hope this you’re all well.


This is the metric I want to fill my dimension property with:

My quest is: I want it to give me the last client type filled before January 23

My metric

Can you please help me with this?

Hi Khadija,

I’ve tried to put an example together;

I created a Dimension for Client


And created a Metric of Client Type, structured by Month x Client (Using Dimension: Type)


Then I wrote the following formula;

'Client Type' yFILTER: Month.Year = Year."FY 22"] 2Remove LASTNONBLANK : Month]


This finds the last nonblank in the year FY22, and so excludes the Jan23 value.


I hope this helps with what you’re trying to achieve!

Hello  @Keiran, thank you so much for you answer,

Your answer actually solved the first part of my problem, and so I was wondering if there was a way to filter from FY 22 to current date out?

Thank you,


Hi @Khadija,


Do you currently store the ‘current’ month as a variable or Metric somewhere? Or would you need to do this also?



@Keiran ‘Current month’ is already stored as a metric in our application
