
Find certain text and exclude

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  • Newly Minted Pigmenteer
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Can someone please help me to upgrade the following formula?

I would like to add following statement: 

“If there’s [N/A] in the job name, (blank) result in the ‘Model FCST Month Dimension’ property.

IF(ISBLANK('[FCST] Greenhouse List'.'Start Date (Offer) Dimension'),

IF(ISBLANK('[FCST] Greenhouse List'.'Manual Input'),

'[FCST] Greenhouse List'.'Forecast Start Date Dimension','[FCST] Greenhouse List'.'Manual Input'),

'[FCST] Greenhouse List'.'Start Date (Offer) Dimension')

Thanks in advance!! 




Best answer by francois 23 May 2023, 08:22

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Userlevel 7
Badge +14


Have you tried using the CONTAINS function?

You could use something along the lines of IF(CONTAINS(“[N/A]”, List.’Job Name'), List.’Model FCST Month Dimension')

Hope this helps!

Userlevel 5
Badge +8

Hey Yaeji! Did you manage to make this work? :)

Userlevel 3
Badge +6

Yes it worked thank you!! 
