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How do you count unique months in a metric?

  • 11 October 2023
  • 1 reply

How do I get a unique count of months in a metric in a view?

For instance, I have Revenue (Dim: Month):

Jan23 : 10

Feb23 : 15

Mar 23 : 20


I’m looking at this metric in a quarterly view, Month > Quarter and I want to annualize this number. So the math would be (10 + 15 + 20) * 12/(3) (3 months in this time frame). I want this to recalc when I view it from a yearly perspective so it would be 12 months. Any ideas on this? 


I tried doing Revenue vREMOVE COUNTUNIQUE: Month] but that just found the number of uniques in my Month Dim List and multiplied by that.

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +14

Hi Lester, 

Could you show in a table what you are trying to achieve overall, maybe with other months in the grid and the relations between Months, Quarter and Year?

I’m guessing the short answer would be [REMOVE COUNT: Month] here that would give the 3 result, but to get to your final goal you could also try things like [REMOVE AVG: Month]

Source data: Q1 does not have Revenue in all Month
BY AVG only uses the Months that are not blank

