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How do I get a unique count of months in a metric in a view?

For instance, I have Revenue (Dim: Month):

Jan23 : 10

Feb23 : 15

Mar 23 : 20


I’m looking at this metric in a quarterly view, Month > Quarter and I want to annualize this number. So the math would be (10 + 15 + 20) * 12/(3) (3 months in this time frame). I want this to recalc when I view it from a yearly perspective so it would be 12 months. Any ideas on this? 


I tried doing Revenue vREMOVE COUNTUNIQUE: Month] but that just found the number of uniques in my Month Dim List and multiplied by that.

Hi Lester, 

Could you show in a table what you are trying to achieve overall, maybe with other months in the grid and the relations between Months, Quarter and Year?

I’m guessing the short answer would be dREMOVE COUNT: Month] here that would give the 3 result, but to get to your final goal you could also try things like dREMOVE AVG: Month]

Source data: Q1 does not have Revenue in all Month
BY AVG only uses the Months that are not blank

