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I have created a monthly P&L with Budget vs Actual columns. When I want to see YTD numbers, the total column at the end adds up both Budget & Actual numbers. Is there a way to see the totals for Budget and Actual separately? 


Hi Muz,


Can you show us you summary setup and the pivot so we can understand better ?




Hi Nathan,



Hi @Muz 

As @Nathan mentioned, you can aggregate Actual and Budget Month>Year and you can achieve your result.

For your reference, I am providing Screenshot below therefore you can see Total of Actual and Budget saperately.


Hi @Muz 


If you created Actual and Budget as a dimension items in Version List then you can aggregate Sum in Version and achieve your result.


Hi @abhilashsawla 


I dont see Actual or Budget aggregators as per your screenshot in my Table.. how to bring the Versions dimension as an aggregator?




If i use the sum option for version then its adding up in each month and still shows a single total at the end


Hi @Muz 

Now, I have understood your case,

Please use the sum option for Month>sum and turn on the toggle of Show Every Subtotal

Please find screenshot here for your immediate reference.


Hi @Muz 

Now, I have understood your case,

Please use the sum option for Month>sum and turn on the toggle of Show Every Subtotal

Please find screenshot here for your immediate reference.


Hope ,Your question has been answered.

Thanks @abhilashsawla, this worked. But there is a problem in arrangement of columns in the Total. Dont know if this is system issue as i cannot rearrange them.


@abhilashsawla & @Nathan - selecting the “Show every subtotal” shows the A3 totals on top and then the A2 & A3 subtypes.. this is not required.. 

Below is the breakup without selecting the “Show every subtotal” option


@abhilashsawla & @Nathan - selecting the “Show every subtotal” shows the A3 totals on top and then the A2 & A3 subtypes.. this is not required.. 

Below is the breakup without selecting the “Show every subtotal” option


Please remove A3 Subtype Sum Aggregation from View Aggregators.

Its not working… the system automatically selects Sum
