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IRR Issues

  • 31 August 2023
  • 3 replies

Hi Team


I need to compute cell by cell XIRR . So for example, first IRR will be calculated from FY21 to FY 22, FY21 to FY 23 . them FY21 to FY24 and goes on and on. Is there a way to achieve this? 


So its an expanding calc starting with FY21 and keeps on expanding by brining in additional year.





3 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +12

Hi Musab,

Sorry, I’m not sure to totally understand your need.

What is the calculation you’d like to make?

Is it:
FY21 = FY21
FY22 = FY21 + FY22
FY23 = FY21 + FY22 + FY23

If it’s an addition, I believe you can cumulate the results?

If I did not get it, can you make an example please?



Userlevel 3
Badge +4

@Benoit , no thats not what i need. 

Dates matter when it comes to IRR and what i need is IRR should be an expanding calc.

FY22 = FY21  and  FY22 ( IRR 8%)
FY23 = FY21  and FY22  and FY23 ( IRR 9%)


so we dont really need to add it but just need to include those as an item when it comes to IRR.

Userlevel 6
Badge +12


I believe you can try to use the IRR and XIRR functions maybe:

Does this help?
