I have calculate the First Workday on the Day Dimension and want to look up that date on the Month dimension. How can I lookup the First Workday on the Day dimension from the Month dimension. Screenshots below:

I have calculate the First Workday on the Day Dimension and want to look up that date on the Month dimension. How can I lookup the First Workday on the Day dimension from the Month dimension. Screenshots below:
You can do:
IF(ISDEFINED(Day.First_Workday),Day)yby firstnonblank: Day.Month]
First part is checking if it is the first workday of the month and if yes, getting the day item. Then aggregates to the Month, which brings the day value to the month dimension
your property should be of type Day, not Date
if you want the date, then formula is even simpler:
Day.First_Workdayyby firstnonblank: Day.Month]
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