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Hi all - I’m looking to calculate the maximum value of the last 3 months but seem to be getting incorrect values with my current formula. Adding screenshots below. Tried “MAX(Value, Valueaselect: Month - 1], Valueaselect: Month - 2])” but it seems to be causing a mismatch in dimensionality somehow. 


Hi @Rasagya ,

Can you check if both metrics (“HC_MMM_CPH - Net Hires - L3M Max” and “HC_MMM - Net Hires” have the same dimensionality ? What are the dimensions you use for both of them ? I’m assuming you have a warning in the Max one, don’t you?

Otherwise your formula looks correct, I was able to reproduce what you are expecting and create a case with a mismatch like you are experiencing :

 My first metric to get the max isn’t correct (yellow warning), thus 35 from USA in Sept-24 and 20 from France in Aug-24 are summed to get the total Max 3 months since the country is missing in my calculation metric.

Let me know if that helps,

Hey Clement - they both have the same dimensions in my case


Hi @Rasagya ,

As Clément demonstrated, there is no reason this should not work, if you’re still facing unexpected results I would recommend you to create a Support ticket so the case can be reviewed by our Support team.


cc @Stef 

Hi @Rasagya ,

As discussed in our meeting the formula does work as expected but only if you select the lowest level from all the dimensions in your table. If you select multiple, you're seeing the SUM (or any other aggregrator as you've set) of the output of the formula on the lowest level. 
As a solution we discussed to have on metric show the values for the lowest level items (you can use breakdown by to show it nicely in the grid) and to have another metric to calculate the total amounts where you remove the dimensionality with the REMOVE modifier.
