I am modeling our people expenses but I will need that for other modeling. I want to prepare it by version (budget, forecast 1, forecast 2, etc) and I want to let it easier to switch between versions as we need.
For that, I am creating thoose metrics:
- Metric 1: Headcount Starting Point: that is the number of headcount we have just before starting planning the budget or forecast: (configured by: Version, month, cost center and seniority)
- Metric 2: Headcount addition: that will be where we will input the number of new headcount we are planning to have (configured by: Version, month, cost center and seniority)
- Metric 3: Total Headcount: Is the sum of metrics 1 and 2 that gives me the final number of headcount (configured by: Version, month, cost center and seniority)
My question is: How can I make sure that metric 3 only picks up data for the appropriate version?
And also, how can I change the version it picks up accordingly with our planning time? For example: In November 22 we are going to do Budget 2023; in March 23 we are going to do Forecast 1, in June 23 we are going to do Forecast 2, etc...