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hello :) 

I want to apply a filter on a metric, it tells me that it can be converted to dimension and i do not undertand why. 

This is the initial metric: 

And i want to apply this filter: rFILTER:'Job Id'.Contrat = Contract.'Included in People Costs']→ in order to compute costs only for contracts that are included in people costs

Hi Alix,

I think you’re trying to chain properties, like eFILTER:'Job Id'.Contrat.'Included in People Costs']. In that case, you’re filtering on the Included in People Costs condition on the Contrat of the Job Id.

If however you want to Filter based on a Contrat of a Job Id that is a Contrat item called Included in People Costs, in that case you’d use double quotes - but I don’t think that’s what you’re trying to achieve here. This would be useful with a formula like FILTER:'Job Id'.Contrat = Contract."Fixed Contract"]

Thanks, the way to chain properties is good! 
