I’m attempting to aggregate my metrics into a full P&L with actual and forecast views.
I have data coming from a Shared_IS_Actuals dimension, several Revenue and COGS dimensions already mapped, a Shared_WF_Plan dimension, and a Shared_Opex_Plan dimension.
I’ve been able thus far to successfully have Actuals for all IS accounts pull in, and have Revenue, COGS, and WF (payroll, benefits, taxes) appear in a single metric.
However, when I try to add my Shared_Opex_Plan data using the formula below, my Actuals stay, my revenue and cogs disappear, my WF_Plan stays, and my Opex_Plan disappears, leaving me with only the WF_Plan.

It’s like the first by modifier to map the WF_Plan to the CoA is applying to everything?
What am I missing?