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I everyone,

Do you know if there is a way to pull a dimension based on a metric ?
Here is what I would like to do :

I have a dimension that has :

  • An ID number column from 1 to 1000 (manually filled)
  • A Country dimension column (that I want to fill with a formula)
  • A Month dimension column (that I also want to fill with a formula)
  • An Activity dimension column (that I also want to fill with a formula)

On the other hand, I have a number metric with the tree dimensions Month, Country and Activity, with an input based on a formula that gives me numbers from 1 to 1000.

So in my dimension I would like to affiliate the month and the country regarding the column number, matching with the number metric. I tried Match and Item functions but it is not working.

Do you know if it is even possible with Pigment ? 

Thank you for your help ! 


you can do that using multi dimension.

Let’s assume the dimension you are showing is called ID, you can do that in Month of Signature

IF(ID.Name = Etape E, Month)hremove firstnonblank: Month,Zone, Level]

(Month, Zone Level, I’m not sure of the names, just remove all dimensions).

This basically creates a “cube” with all the dimensions of your metric + your ID dimension, finds the right match and “writes” the Month. 

Then you can “extract” it from these dimensions into your ID dimension by removing them, keeping just that one value you got.


Try it & tell me 



@Nathan It is working, thank you very much ! 
