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Pigment Champs!


Could you please help me understand how 

  1. Pigment is handling DevOps (Or is it still not available)?
  2. Is there any Best Practice document on Pigment (Like Planual in Anaplan)?  I see many Pigment sponsored apps have hardcoding in the formula. For Example - As Per Pigment:

    1+ INP_YearlySalaryIncreaseaBY CONSTANT: Month.Year]aFILTER: Month.'Month of Year'= 'Month of Year'."February" ]gBY CONSTANT: EE_Data_Stand.Region]

    I want to write it this way    -  (1+'01. INP Yearly Salary Increase')eBY CONSTANT:Month.Year].FILTER: Month.'Month of Year'= '00. INP Month of Increase']rBY Constant: 'EE Data Stand'.Region], here the inputs can be changed easily and freely.
  3. How does Pigment’s engine perform calculations? How many cores does it leverage at the same time?
  4. Is there any recommendation about the source data, that it should have a unique key? I understand that transactional dimension does not need one but it means that you would have to delete and reload/refresh the entire transactional data set as and when there is a change in the existing row as there is no way Pigment can identify which row has been changed due to the change in the source data?
  5. Has anyone performed any testing on the load timings when the data is around 10 million records? Also is there any limit on the number of rows that can be added to dimensions?




Hi Misbah !

nice to have you here :)

  1. what do you mean by devops ?
  2. hard coding is a big no no and it is stated in our modeling palette, which I'll be able to share promptly :)
  3. without going into details, it’s based on a cloud computing engine, not limited to a single machine, so it really depends how we scale it
  4. UNIQUE ID always. The fact that TL don’t need it is only a shortcut (very handy one)
  5. no problem to load huge data sets. I was just chatting about an SA on a project loaded files with 20m records
  6. for dimensions themselves, no specific limits. however depending how you use them, you need to be considerate. we Have a customer running most of their calcs on a 1.3m items dimensions, it works. Some 200k+ is common

@Nathan  Thank You for your prompt response!

  1. Dev/Test/Prod Environments → Does pigment have any thing on this ?
  2. Awesome! Looking forward to seeing it

Hi @Misbah,

I think what you mean is more about Test and Deploy - and it’s still Under Development
Product Roadmap - Pigment


stay tuned, it will release very soon !



@Thu Mai 

 Thank You!

Hi ​@Misbah! Information on Test & Deploy is available here: 



Hi ​@Misbah, we performed performance tests using a > 10 millions rows data (using a cloud file storage connection. It loads in 20'.

Pm me if you d like more insights
