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Hi Community Members,

I would like to know for knowwledge that there is any limitation to create no list properties and no of rows in Dimension and transaction List of pigment.


How many no of properties and rows can we create in Dimension and Transaction List?

Hi @abhilashsawla and thanks for your question.

For now the recommendation for optimal performances is the following:

  • Transaction List: up to 5M items/rows and up to 30 properties
  • Dimension List: up to 100k items/rows and up to 30 properties

We do have customers with much more, but each implementation is unique and we would need to review the details of the use case to ensure the platform would support it smoothly.

It’s important to note that Pigment is growing fast and the goal is to push those limits much further as the platform scales. We will try to update this answer to keep it as up-to-date as possible, and we are also working on documenting all the limits we can.

Thanks @Julien for provide valuable information.
