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Hello Pigment Community,

I hope you're all doing well!

I’ve created a table with the following metrics:

  1. Month
  2. Amount
  3. Blended Interest

(Please refer to the attached screenshot for reference.)

Currently, I have a checker metric set up for conditional formatting, which highlights a month in red if it is greater than the closing period.

Here’s what I’m trying to achieve:

  • If a month entered is greater than the closing period, I want the Amount and Blended Interest metrics to become non-editable so users cannot input data in these fields.
  • If a month entered is less than or equal to the closing period, users should be able to input data as usual in these metrics.

Could anyone guide me on how to set this up in Pigment? Your assistance would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!





Hi Spandan98,

This is can be done with specific access right rules by creating a AR Metric using the following formula : 

IF( ISBLANK('Month metric'), ACCESSRIGHTS(TRUE, FALSE), // View only if Month metric is blank IF( 'Month metric' > 'Closing Period', ACCESSRIGHTS(TRUE, FALSE), // View only if Month metric is after Closing Period ACCESSRIGHTS(TRUE, TRUE) // Full access otherwise ) ) ADD: User]

Feel free to check out this community article :  

Please let us know if you have questions. 

Many thanks,
