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I’m trying to create a rolling TTM for Net Income and to store it by Quarter.


Rolling TTM stored by quarter

I’ve tried using a TTM by Switchover month metric, but that only gives me a single period of data at a time.  However, I would like to show the TTM trend by quarter on a graph so I need to store the amounts by quarter.    

Can anyone assist in the best approach for this?  

Thanks in advance,



@PageJeffrey Please try the formula below and let me know if it does not work.

Movingsum('17. Input Data'tby:Month.Quarter],4,0,Quarter)

'17. Input Data' is your original metric for net income by month.

Awesome!  Thank you!

I do have quite a few more modifiers in my formula but I was able to incorporate them to get the desired results.  

Thanks so much!


