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Hello Pigment Community,

I just want one option to be marked, if suppose Absolute is checked, then the other options (Percentage and fixed) cannot be checked. How can I do this?

 Please kindly guide me to perform this operation. Thanks a lot!

Hi ​@Spandan98 ,

To achieve your goal, you will need to leverage Access Rights (AR). Here's a step-by-step guide:

1. Create an AR Metric

You can use the ACCESSRIGHTS function with the following formula:

ACCESSRIGHTS(truerADD: User,Options] , 'Radio button T/F'/ADD: User])

2. Configuration for Read and Write Access

  • Read Access: Apply TRUE for all users.
  • Write Access: Configure a specific metric, 'Radio button T/F', dimensioned by your Options dimension. Use the formula:
'Radio button selection'oREMOVE ANY: Options] = FALSE OR
ISBLANK('Radio button selection'oREMOVE ANY: Options]),
truerADD: Options],
'Radio button selection'

3. Explanation of the Formula

This formula checks two conditions:

  1. No option selected with a FALSE value:
    'Radio button selection'oREMOVE ANY: Options] = FALSE
  2. No option selected or deselected (Blank value):
    ISBLANK('Radio button selection'oREMOVE ANY: Options])


If either of these conditions is TRUE, write access is allowed for all options :


the AR metric would be:

.Otherwise, write access is granted only for the selected option.

The AR metric would be:

4. Applying the AR Metric

Once configured, apply the AR metric in the Data Access Rights section.


5. Additional Resources

For more information on implementing AR, refer to:
Create an Access Rights Metrics and Rules

Hope this helps,
