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Hello community!

I want to create a simulation tab to test several employee cost before hiring someone. Concretely, I want to create this knowing that company is a dimension, fix and var are manual inputs, currency is a dimension and total gross will be a formula according to what have been entered in company, fix, variable and currency.


Thanks a lot!


I have tried by creating metrics (company, curency, fix, variable) but it does not work

Hi Alix,

Hope you’re doing well!

Keen to help you with this problem but I have a few questions:

  1. Is the formula for ‘Total Gross (EUR)’: (Fixed + Variable)*FX Rate ?
  2. If so, have you created an FX conversion metric?
  3. How does ‘Company’ affect the calculations? Or does it not?



Hello, thanks!! 

  1. Total gross : (fix + var)* FX rate where fixe is an amount multiplied by a coefficient of sociale charges (coming from metric “Assumptions: Tax Rate”).
  2. No as for exiting costs i do it directly in the transaction list of salary packages
  3. it affects in order to have the coefficient of sociale charges linked


Hi Alix,

Thanks for your prompt responses to my questions.

So, if my understanding is correct, for your simulation table you need 3 input metrics:

  1. Company Input

  2. Fixed Cost Input

  3. Source Currency Input


You also need 2 assumption metrics (one of which I believe you already have):

  1. Tax Input % (this is the one you’ve already got, and it is dimensioned by Company)

  2. FX Conversion (this will be a number type metric dimensioned by the Currency dimension list, and will be the XXX -> EUR conversion rate. So for EUR, it would be 1)


You will then need to create 2 calculation metrics:

  1. Variable Cost (multiply the Fixed Cost by the Tax Input %, referencing the Company Input)

  2. Total Gross (Add the Variable Cost by the Fixed Cost, then multiply the whole thing by the FX Conversion, referencing the Source Currency Input)


Hope this helps! Let me know if you get stuck :)



Thanks! I’ll try that :) 


I have created:

  • company, fix, variable, currency input metrics
  • taxes and currency assumption metrics (by using remove last non blank)

I could not achieve to compute the total cost. How can I refere to the company input (to get the tax) and the currency input, in my formula?

I’v tried by a select but it does not work:


Hi Alix,

I believe you’re almost there with that formula, but rather than using a SELECT, try using a BY CONSTANT. You would never use the SELECT modifier followed by a dimension-type metric. If in doubt, use BY!

(Take a look at the SELECT and BY modifier community articles if you would like more information on them.)

If you’re not using it already, Formula Playground is a great place to develop your formulas when you’re not sure exactly how they need to be written. You can write a formula and, if you are in ‘Automatic structure’ mode, Formula Playground will give you the inferred dimensionality of the output metric. This can be useful when you’re not sure which modifier to use.

Hope this helps. Please let me know if you’re still having trouble.



Thanks a lot!! I’ll try
