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Hi, we have users that work on multiple boards at the same time that share common pages selectors.

The challenge here is that when we switch from one dimension element to another on the page selector in one tab, we need to go through each other tab to adjust the page to the newly selected element. 

As people here work with like 10 tabs in parallel, that s a lot of clicks to update boards and have them being synced.

Do you people encounter those kind of usage / challenge ?

Are there ways to make this work in pigment and how if you experimented it ?

I was thinking maybe using a custom user defined variable ?

Hi FPA, 

Unfortunately, each board operates independently, so changes made to page selectors on one board do not impact others.

As a workaround, you can create a default item that applies across all boards. However, you will still need to manually update the variable on each board for changes to take effect.

I invite you to submit your idea here :

Thank you ! 
