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Is there any way to do Text to Columns in Pigment?

Currently trying to resolve this dynamically:
Dimension List: Player Details

  • Sr. No.
  • Player Name
  • Participated Sports (In this column, concatenated sports are there)

Dimension List: Sports

  • Id
  • Name

Need to create a boolean metric with dimensions: “Player Details” and “Sports” ; which can check if a sport has been played by a specific player or not i.e if it exists in “Participated Sports” or not

Sports Dimension List
“Player Details” Dimension List
Required Boolean metric with 2 dimensions


I have tried this formula and it’s working as expected:

CONTAINS(Sports.Name,'Player Details'.SportrBY: -> SportstFILTER: Sports.Name."E"]])
CONTAINS(Sports.Name,'Player Details'.SportrBY: -> SportstFILTER: Sports.Name."PQR"]])
CONTAINS(Sports.Name,'Player Details'.SportrBY: -> SportstFILTER: Sports.Name."CD"]])
CONTAINS(Sports.Name,'Player Details'.SportrBY: -> SportstFILTER: Sports.Name."B"]])
CONTAINS(Sports.Name,'Player Details'.SportrBY: -> SportstFILTER: Sports.Name."A"]])

The only issue is: if a new sport is added in the Dimension List of “Sports”, this formula needs to be updated

This has been resolved using:

CONTAINS(Sports.Name,'Player Details'.Sport[BY: -> Sports])

