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Transactions Bulk Delete

  • 21 August 2024
  • 2 replies

Hello Everyone, 

I am new to Pigment and started with training recently. I came across a scenario where I had to delete a few items from the transaction list and realized the only option we have is manually selecting them and delete. 

Is there any way/action that we can create pointing to a Boolean metric which holds TRUE for delete items (with a formula) and whenever we run that action, it will delete those specific items (We can think of deleting a specific months data)

Please suggest.




2 replies

Userlevel 3
Badge +4

Hi Ramana,

You can create a property in the Transaction List that is a boolean that is TRUE when it meets a formula’s specifications like you mentioned. You would be able to then Filter the table for TRUE values, Select Manage Items and Delete all. However there is no automated action you can save to do this.

Addressing deleting a specific month’s data, it seems a better solution may be to delete items in the transaction list based on specific criteria. On the bottom of the second (last) page of the import data flow, you have the option to clear specific data prior to loading. Adding the following settings may solve this issue if I understand correctly. This will be saved to the import and will be automatically applied each time you import. Additionally you may schedule this import if you want it to run autonomously, documentation for this can be found here.


Hi @sethbradley , 

Thank you for your response. I’ve explored both the scenarios/options those you’ve mentioned. However, I wanted to check if there is any other way. 

Thanks again!

