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In the picture below I´m currently using the formula: 'First Time Borrower'rby constant:Month."Jan 24"]*'Retention Curve'

My First issue is that the multiplication of “first time borrowers” by “retention curve” in Jan 24 works perfectly, but for Feb 24 I need that the retention curve percentage used for the multiplication, starts with Jan 24 and not Feb 24, I mean the percentage for the formula in Feb 24 should de 100% that belong to Jan 24 and not the  82.76% that belongs to Feb 24.


I tried using the “previous” function but it keeps telling me there are errors.


My second issue is that I´ve been trying to use the exclude function in orden to have the final view as the picture below:

I´m trying tu use Exclude to recreate the blank cells. For intersections Feb 24 and Feb 24 I use the formula:  'First Time Borrower'by constant:Month."Feb 24"]*'Retention Curve'bEXCLUDE:Month."Jan 24"]

But when I try the same formula in the next line (Mar 24) but try to include Feb 24 into the exclude function it says there is an error. How can I add multiple “filtering_expresions” into the exclude function?

Hi Oscar, 

I think the solution lies more in the dimensionality and less the formulas.
The three time dimensions I used to build this include:
Month (from Calendar)

Assumption Month

Activation Month

I’ll show you the metrics I built with the dimensionality, First are the input/data Metrics. These could be coming from a transaction list, but for the sake of this demo I put them in metrics:

First, I entered the retention rates:


Next the First time borrowers:

​​Next, I create a waterfall metrics that has the appropriate order:

Then set the Values as the Assumption month dimension:

Apply this to the Rates you input earlier:

Do the same thing for First Time Borrowers and Multiply by the Rates waterfall you just created:

Let me know if this helps and makes sense!



Thank you very much for you input and help @sethbradley, your explanation was a life changer to understand better how dimensions work.
