I took a snapshot of an application by selecting the scenario named “Current.” However, when using a table, I am unable to see the edit icon to rename the scenario from "Current" to "fcst." Could you help me understand why the edit option is disabled and how I can enable it?
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Based on the options you have for the ‘BAOP’ scenario, it looks like you don’t have the sufficient permissions to edit even a non-snapshot scenario. I suggest you reach out to your Pigment Admin or CSM to grant you the necessary permissions. Below is a longer way to edit a scenario name in a snapshot, but I imagine you could still run into permission issues.
Go to your Model History > Snapshots tab. Open the snapshot through that page
Open the Scenarios setting in that snapshot
You can rename the scenarios there
Yes, I still do have permission issues. I will reach out to the admin. Thankyou.