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Hello guys, I’m having a problem when trying to import this CSV file and getting this message, yet I have not used “Buyer TIN” dimension as the unique property, I used another different item as the unique property. What can I do..?


Could it be that in your Pigment List, the Customer TIN property is set as unique?

If yes, I’d suggest to remove the unicity on the property and try again.

Please let us know.

Hi @Ben

I did not use the Customer TIN property as unique. And that the problem that I have..

Hi there,


Thank you for sharing your case with the community.

If you are confident that the “Buyer TIN” dimension is not used as the unique property, could you please reach out to Support so we can investigate your case further?

You can do so by navigating on Contact us in your portal. 

Thank you very much!
